The primary difference between Botox for Hair and Keratin Treatment lies in their formulation and intended effect.

Botox for hair focuses on repairing and rejuvenating damaged hair while reducing frizz and improving manageability.

Keratin Treatment primarily aim to smooth and straightening hair reducing frizz and curl to create a sleeker appearance.

In summary, while both treatments offer benefits for hair breath and appearance, Botox for hair focuses more on repair and rejuvenation while Keratin treatment primarily target smoothing and straightening.

Microblading is a popular cosmetic procedure for several reasons:

Enhanced Appearance


Long-Lasting Result 


Natural Looking Results

Confidence Boost


The level of pain experienced during waxing can vary from person and depends on factors such as individual pain tolerance.

Yes, we offer different services for all kind of occasions: Makeup, Hair, Nails.

The duration may vary depending on the service you wish to perform.

Of course, we do weekly promotions which you can receive by messages or mail, we even have our own reward program. If you still don't receive any promotion you can text: REVIVE26 to 578-277.

Each service varies its prices, but we have base prices which can change, price can be found on our website, or you can call, we will gladly answer all questions. 

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